

Non-Fiction Story Excerpts

Moments of Seeing
& Occasional Pieces

Family Non-Fiction


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The Estate Sale

The Estate Sale

The Estate Sale *** Garage sale signs appear on the streets I traverse for my walks fairly frequently, especially during the months of nice weather – translated - not so blistering hot that no one in their right mind would ever appear.  Estate Sale signs appear only occasionally, for “Estate...

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February 4, 1947 – Went to the Trading Post & Bought Babies Crib & Mattress. Bought a Pair of Shoes, 3 Baby’s Vests, 2 Set of Babies Wash Towels. 

February 4, 1947 – Went to the Trading Post & Bought Babies Crib & Mattress. Bought a Pair of Shoes, 3 Baby’s Vests, 2 Set of Babies Wash Towels. 

Went to the Trading Post & Bought Babies Crib & Mattress. *** This year, I have been transcribing my mom's diary for 1947 month by month as a continuing Christmas present for my sisters. The title of this posting is a quote from my mom's diary entry for February 4, 1947. Every Sunday I...

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On January 30, Maxim Wrote: We learn to Adapt to Any Circumstances. We Have to Keep Living. Sometimes there is a Great Sadness in the Heart Because there is no End in Sight to this War.  30 січня Максим написав: Вчимося пристосовуватися до будь-яких обставин. Ми повинні продовжувати жити. Іноді в серці відчувається великий смуток, тому що цій війні не видно кінця.

On January 30, Maxim Wrote: We learn to Adapt to Any Circumstances. We Have to Keep Living. Sometimes there is a Great Sadness in the Heart Because there is no End in Sight to this War. 30 січня Максим написав: Вчимося пристосовуватися до будь-яких обставин. Ми повинні продовжувати жити. Іноді в серці відчувається великий смуток, тому що цій війні не видно кінця.

We learn to Adapt to Any Circumstances Вчимося пристосовуватися до будь-яких обставин *** I received an email from Maxim on January 30 in response to an email I sent him on January 27, telling him that on January 25 I had posted the photo that he sent me of his family. In my email, I asked how he...

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Garden Journal – Entry Segment – January 29, 2023 – As I Begin to Write this, the Sun Came Out Behind Me and Flooded the Yard with Sunlight                                      Садовий журнал – Вхідний сегмент – 29 січня 2023 року – Коли я починаю це писати, сонце вийшло за мною і затопило двір сонячним світлом

Garden Journal – Entry Segment – January 29, 2023 – As I Begin to Write this, the Sun Came Out Behind Me and Flooded the Yard with Sunlight Садовий журнал – Вхідний сегмент – 29 січня 2023 року – Коли я починаю це писати, сонце вийшло за мною і затопило двір сонячним світлом

As I Begin to Write this, the Sun Came Out Behind Me and Flooded the Yard with Sunlight Коли я починаю це писати, сонце вийшло за мною і затопило двір сонячним світлом 10:58 a.m. Sunday, January 29, 2023 10:58 неділя, 29 січня 2023 р. It is a cool day, cloudy, with dark clouds capable of providing...

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From Ukraine – A Family Photo Taken the Day After Christmas   З України – сімейне фото, зроблене наступного дня після Різдва

From Ukraine – A Family Photo Taken the Day After Christmas   З України – сімейне фото, зроблене наступного дня після Різдва

From Ukraine – A Family Photo Taken the Day After Christmas   З України – сімейне фото, зроблене наступного дня після Різдва *** I am posting the text of this post also in Ukrainian so that those in Ukraine do not need to spend the very limited time when electricity is available in...

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High School Reunions & Those Absent, but Not Truly Gone – Tribute #2 – Harold – His Work & Triumphs & Doing Things I Would Never Do, Helped Me to Understand What it Was to Really Be Brave

High School Reunions & Those Absent, but Not Truly Gone – Tribute #2 – Harold – His Work & Triumphs & Doing Things I Would Never Do, Helped Me to Understand What it Was to Really Be Brave

High School Reunions & Those Absent, but Not Truly Gone Series Introduction: For our 45th high school reunion in 2013, we made stand up table displays of our departed classmates.  We also solicited written tributes and memories from their friends and classmates, and we displayed the photo...

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