Family Non-Fiction
In Memory of My Uncle Mingo

In Memory of My Uncle Mingo

March 2020 (Photo of Uncle Mingo at his 100th Birthday Celebration in March 2019) My uncle, Domingo Orozco, the last of six siblings and all their spouses, the last of his whole generation within our family, passed away one day shy of being 101 years old, a long life by any standard, and one lived...

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One Day, It Will Only Be One

One Day, It Will Only Be One

March 6, 2019 Just fainting she saidNot eaten for a while Serving dinner at church Finished, awaiting her own filet mignon An extra Sitting high on a stool Felt faint, hand outstretched Security camera caught it all Yes, outstretched armThen outReally whacked head on floorThey saidOuch Able to...

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An Image From The 2016 Election

An Image From The 2016 Election

An Image from the 2016 Election – November 2016 A man described to me how his son, the day after the election, told him that a friend, a boy in his 5th grade class, was crying at school.  The father knew this friend and knew why he was crying.  His son’s friend was Muslim. Smiling...

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