Family Non-Fiction
Small Treasures – The Orange Fluffy Stuffed Cat – When She was Sitting Up in the Hospital Bed, with One Hand Resting Upon Her Cheek, She Would Just Stare in Peaceful Contemplation at the Orange Cat, that Sat in Quiet Repose Upon the Wooden Windowsill, Four Feet from My Mom’s Wondering Eyes

Small Treasures – The Orange Fluffy Stuffed Cat – When She was Sitting Up in the Hospital Bed, with One Hand Resting Upon Her Cheek, She Would Just Stare in Peaceful Contemplation at the Orange Cat, that Sat in Quiet Repose Upon the Wooden Windowsill, Four Feet from My Mom’s Wondering Eyes

Small Treasures – The Orange Fluffy Stuffed Cat A fluffy orange stuffed cat, a source of comfort, though not the toy or comfort of a child, sits on the back of the sofa in my study, the only stuffed animal upon the green and wine-colored plaid sofa.  The cat’s color is not overly...

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Echoes of the Death of Jarrett, Our Infant Son

Echoes of the Death of Jarrett, Our Infant Son

Echoes of the Death of Jarrett, Our Infant Son I created the piece below for inclusion in an electronic book of Memories/Testimonies for our 55th high school reunion and wrote of how I put it together in the introduction. The photo is of the crib, now in use by our family for 75 years, in which I...

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February 4, 1947 – Went to the Trading Post & Bought Babies Crib & Mattress. Bought a Pair of Shoes, 3 Baby’s Vests, 2 Set of Babies Wash Towels. 

February 4, 1947 – Went to the Trading Post & Bought Babies Crib & Mattress. Bought a Pair of Shoes, 3 Baby’s Vests, 2 Set of Babies Wash Towels. 

Went to the Trading Post & Bought Babies Crib & Mattress. *** This year, I have been transcribing my mom's diary for 1947 month by month as a continuing Christmas present for my sisters. The title of this posting is a quote from my mom's diary entry for February 4, 1947. Every Sunday I...

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The Red Glazed Ashtray I Made in Kindergarten With the Kindness of Mrs. Goodwin, the Teacher of the Good Name at Sylmar Elementary School – Now Old & Broken But Treasured

The Red Glazed Ashtray I Made in Kindergarten With the Kindness of Mrs. Goodwin, the Teacher of the Good Name at Sylmar Elementary School – Now Old & Broken But Treasured

The Red Glazed Ashtray I Made in Kindergarten With the Kindness of Mrs. Goodwin One treasure on the two-drawer chest in the middle, more or less, of my study, is the red glazed ashtray, or what remains of it now, that I made in kindergarten, my only year at Sylmar Elementary School.  What has...

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