Thoughts & Notes on Current Issues, History, Church, Politics & Anything & Every Pertaining to Them All
A Few Days Ago, I Took My Mail-in Ballot to the Post Office & Paused to Contemplate the Outside Mailbox Now Still Safely in Place

A Few Days Ago, I Took My Mail-in Ballot to the Post Office & Paused to Contemplate the Outside Mailbox Now Still Safely in Place

A Few Days Ago, I Took My Mail-in Ballot to the Post Office A few days ago, I took my mail-in ballot to my local post office, more than a week ahead of the actual deadline to vote by mail.  As I walked out of the post office after carefully depositing my mail-in ballot in the inside mail slot – a...

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Email Postcard Story – One of Many Ruins of Abbeys and Castles that Dot the Welsh Countryside.

Email Postcard Story – One of Many Ruins of Abbeys and Castles that Dot the Welsh Countryside.

One of Many Ruins of Abbeys …and forever, it seemed, he always felt a touch of melancholy in the late afternoon and early evening, perhaps always regretting the waning of the light, of the golden light of the lowering sun, a fading that reminded his mind and heart over and over, that the day, that...

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An Informal Book Review: I Only Wanted to Live – The Struggle of a Boy to Survive the Holocaust – Arie Tamir – eBookPro Publishing – 2019

An Informal Book Review: I Only Wanted to Live – The Struggle of a Boy to Survive the Holocaust – Arie Tamir – eBookPro Publishing – 2019

I Only Wanted to Live I have read many books on the Holocaust, but this book is unique and important in many ways.  Written a few years ago entirely by the author, now in his eighties, the book is based on his memories of the Holocaust as a boy between the ages of about seven through...

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A Tale of Two Signs, of Two Minds and Hearts, of Two Paths & Perhaps a Cautionary Tale

A Tale of Two Signs, of Two Minds and Hearts, of Two Paths & Perhaps a Cautionary Tale

A Tale of Two Signs, of Two Minds and Hearts, of Two Paths & Perhaps a Cautionary Tale *** One afternoon some months ago, I took my weekly extended walk, a path of about three and half miles, and as I traveled through my neighborhood and wended my way through the side streets and cul-de-sacs,...

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Joseph the Cat, Safe and Sound and Still Residing in Chernihiv, Ukraine – Кіт Йосип, цілий, неушкоджений, все ще проживає в Чернігові, Україна

Joseph the Cat, Safe and Sound and Still Residing in Chernihiv, Ukraine – Кіт Йосип, цілий, неушкоджений, все ще проживає в Чернігові, Україна

Joseph the Cat, Safe and Sound and Still Residing in Chernihiv, Ukraine Кіт Йосип, цілий, неушкоджений, все ще проживає в Чернігові, Україна *** Introduction I received a few comments about my May 1, 2022 posting , "What Cat Doesn’t Enjoy a Little Sun?". One was from a cat lover insisting on more...

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What Cat Doesn’t Enjoy a Little Sun? – Яка кішка не любить маленьке сонечко? 

What Cat Doesn’t Enjoy a Little Sun? – Яка кішка не любить маленьке сонечко? 

What cat doesn’t enjoy a little sun?  Яка кішка не любить маленьке сонечко?  What cat doesn’t enjoy a little sun?  Especially if the concrete is already pleasantly warmed.  This cat is a beautiful charcoal color of various shades of gray, with light green eyes, holding still,...

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But Wherever They are, and However and Through Whatever Physical or Electronic Means They are Able to be Together, on Easter They Will Celebrate with Joy and Thanksgiving the Resurrection of Christ – Але де б вони не були, і якими б фізичними чи електронними засобами вони не могли бути разом, на Великдень вони з радістю і вдячністю святкуватимуть Воскресіння Христове

But Wherever They are, and However and Through Whatever Physical or Electronic Means They are Able to be Together, on Easter They Will Celebrate with Joy and Thanksgiving the Resurrection of Christ – Але де б вони не були, і якими б фізичними чи електронними засобами вони не могли бути разом, на Великдень вони з радістю і вдячністю святкуватимуть Воскресіння Христове

On Easter They Will Celebrate with Joy and Thanksgiving the Resurrection of Christ На Великдень з радістю і вдячністю святкуватимуть Воскресіння Христове Before the Russian invasion, our friends in Kyiv and their church community were busy enlarging and remodeling the church building to...

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Parting images – A Five-Year-Old Girl at Disneyland in California, the Happiest Place on Earth & A Six-Year-Old Girl in Ukraine, in Cartoon Unicorn Decorated Pajamas – Напуття – П’ятирічна дівчинка в Діснейленді в Каліфорнії, найщасливіше місце на Землі &шестирічна дівчинка в Україні, в прикрашеній мультфільмом єдинорогом піжамі

Parting images – A Five-Year-Old Girl at Disneyland in California, the Happiest Place on Earth & A Six-Year-Old Girl in Ukraine, in Cartoon Unicorn Decorated Pajamas – Напуття – П’ятирічна дівчинка в Діснейленді в Каліфорнії, найщасливіше місце на Землі &шестирічна дівчинка в Україні, в прикрашеній мультфільмом єдинорогом піжамі

A Five-Year-Old Girl at Disneyland in California, the Happiest Place on Earth & A Six-Year-Old Girl in Ukraine, in Cartoon Unicorn Decorated Pajamas П'ятирічна дівчинка в Діснейленді в Каліфорнії, найщасливіше місце на Землі і шестирічна дівчинка в Україні, в мультяшній єдиноріг прикрашеній...

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