Thoughts & Musings On Writing
A Happy, Spirited Four-Year-Old Beams Proudly as She Pushes Her Own Pram in a Video Recorded by Her Mother to Chronicle Their Day Out Together in Central Ukraine (New Second Posting) – Щаслива, енергійна чотирирічна дитина гордо сяє, коли вона штовхає власну коляску на відео, записаному її матір’ю, щоб записати їхній спільний день у Центральній Україні (Нова друга публікація)

A Happy, Spirited Four-Year-Old Beams Proudly as She Pushes Her Own Pram in a Video Recorded by Her Mother to Chronicle Their Day Out Together in Central Ukraine (New Second Posting) – Щаслива, енергійна чотирирічна дитина гордо сяє, коли вона штовхає власну коляску на відео, записаному її матір’ю, щоб записати їхній спільний день у Центральній Україні (Нова друга публікація)

A Happy, Spirited Four-Year-Old Beams Proudly as She Pushes Her Own Pram Щаслива, енергійна чотирирічна дитина гордо сяє, штовхаючи своїх *** (I previously published this posting in July 2022. As my readership in Ukraine has increased to second in national number, I came back to this one to add...

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On Writing – Things Truly Remembered – Boiled Eggs, Fresh Flowers, Chicken Fat, & An Old Cat Not Pictured

On Writing – Things Truly Remembered – Boiled Eggs, Fresh Flowers, Chicken Fat, & An Old Cat Not Pictured

Boiled Eggs, Fresh Flowers, Chicken Fat, & An Old Cat Not Pictured Even though I write fiction and nonfiction, I primarily read history - good history that focuses on persons and presents the human element, the pathos, suffering, evil and good, very intimate moments, or just minute details...

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Marlin Charles Foxworth – December 8, 1942 – February 4, 2022   “On the Internet, I found this Mortuary listing of his death, and so now I send this to his tribute wall so that at least I have given some testimony to his influence and encouragement in my life.”

Marlin Charles Foxworth – December 8, 1942 – February 4, 2022  “On the Internet, I found this Mortuary listing of his death, and so now I send this to his tribute wall so that at least I have given some testimony to his influence and encouragement in my life.”

Marlin Charles Foxworth – December 8, 1942 – February 4, 2022  As I wrote, “Why I Write” for the “About” section on my website, my memory of Mr. Foxworth, the only name by which I ever knew him, naturally formed within my mind, and in my words written in pencil upon the paper before me. ...

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