Understanding Will Come Unto You All your Life & You will be Blessed, a Shining Pearl among Those around You, & Your Hands will be Filled with More and More Good for Those with You & for Those to Come after You, Forever.

Apr 30, 2023 | From the Lips & Voices of Babes, the Young, those Older, Who Long to be Touched by Listening Ears & to Touch Others by Being Heard, Moments of Seeing & Occasional Pieces

Understanding Will Come unto You All your Life

The mind and thoughts of a young person are wondrous and complex, and rarely shared in full.  There are so many things to gaze upon, consider, and understand – though understanding is a far-off thing, always still just out of reach for most of us, for most of our lives.  For a young person perhaps understands one thing, and that is that the world is complex and confusing, and that it changes, it moves, it breathes, and then is unexpectedly quiet and still at times.

There of course is night and day, and hours and minutes and seconds, seemingly endless, and there are weeks and months, and years and decades, and…well…on it goes.

And precious one, there are seasons of weather and seasons of life, and seasons shared with others and seasons alone, and as you contemplate one season, well…it changes, at times changing faster than you, changing in ways you expect and in ways that are surprising, perplexing, or everything all at once.  There is nothing you can do to slow, impede, or alter the course of time, for in truth, you, as all of us, are along for the ride, whether we like it or not, but…well, there is so much more good than not.

Oh, young beautiful one, it is good to gaze out into the world, to ponder and take in, for here you are, alive, with sight and life, seemingly always getting ready for something else, that endless parade of moving and waiting and staying and moving on again, and if you understand life to be that way, well, bright one, you are right, and you are here, with all of us, and not just for show, but to dance and run ahead to encourage and delight, even giving us life as we stay beside you and watch with joy as you move ahead, hearing always your music, never deaf to your singing, even as we slow, faltering occasionally, always wishing you well as we laugh, applaud, and continue to love and delight in you, and…and…

Loved one, the one with the earring of a single pearl, always continue gazing and thinking, wondering and breathing, and laughing and dancing, for then understanding will come unto you all your life and you will be blessed, a shining pearl among those around you, and your hands will be filled with more and more good for those with you and for those to come after you, forever.


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1 Comment

  1. Breathtaking beautiful prose!


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