The Blessings of Pink – In Pink, She Had Wandered for a Time & Inside the Pink Purse of a Five-Year-Old & When She Sang, She Brought Tears to My Eyes

Jul 31, 2023 | Family Non-Fiction, Interviews

In Pink She Had Wandered for a Time

My oldest granddaughter, the firstborn of my firstborn, for a time wandered, finding new foundations, setting and re-setting her bearings, navigating the course of her life at that time, moving here, moving there, both physically and internally, negotiating the rapids of her life as best she knew how, always set to keep her head up above water and thrive – the shore beyond survive.  She acquired a few cats, kitties, along the way, and a man, along his way, handsome, anxious and kind, he with his pet bunny, found her, grew to love and desire her, and she, after a time of just enjoying his presence and attention, followed along, and only then, allowed her heart, after thought and careful steps, to accept the embrace of his love, and to then stay, her wandering days over.  And during those days, that time of wandering, her hair was pink for a while, for a time, yes, pink, a pretty pink, and in pink, she had wandered for a time.

I didn’t talk to her parents about her pink hair, but I don’t think it was an essential issue with them.  It was not an issue with me.  Well, for one thing, I was her grandfather, a position, sometimes, of more wisdom and a greater capacity to see the longer view than just the drama and turmoil of the immediate situation before you, a capacity, a view, you usually did not have with your own offspring.  And I was always for her – still remembering our own clever conniving – yes, that’s what it was – to get her to ourselves for an hour or two when she was very young, as grandparents are wont to do.

And if pink hair was good to her, it was good to me.  For it seemed healthy and good for her to choose, to make choices for her life, the accumulation of her choices eventually making her more happy and more secure in herself – something a grandfather can always support and applaud!  And I liked her pink hair.  And I love my granddaughter, always, ever since she was born. 


Inside the Pink Purse of a Five-Year-Old.

Interview – Our Oldest Granddaughter – 2005 – When She Was About Five and a half.

Interview on the Contents of Her Purse

Our granddaughter, when she as five, was visiting our house and she had a little pink purse with her.  I was interested in what was in it, and I asked her to show me what was inside.  I was fascinated with everything that was in it and what she said about each item.


1.  Clear headband – it was on her head, but she had taken it off because it was hurting her ears.  Puts it in her purse so she won’t lose it.

2.  Sparkly lotion – its sparkly lotion – Puts it on her hands and takes some tissues and puts it all over her face.

3.  Tissues – in case her nose gets runny.

4.  Little statue of Belle – It was Belle from the Beauty and the Beast – it was on her five-year-old birthday cake.  It was a princess cake.  I asked for a princess cake.  Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella – not with her.  The statute of Belle is her favorite.  Belle is her mom’s favorite one.

5.  Tiny little papers – from a little book that got ripped out.  Maybe the boys (her younger brothers – 3&1/2 & 1&1/2) I can’t remember since it was so long ago.

6.  Strawberry Shortcake on a skateboard.  It is actually a story.  We went to McDonald’s.  It was part of a happy meal.  So I put it in my purse so I won’t forget.  I forgot to take it out.  It was Tuesday or Wednesday, I can’t remember.

7.   A cross, silver – I found it in my closet.  I liked it.  It was so pretty.  I just really liked it.

8.  Paper – a note (from a friend) – to MaDee, I love you I want to go to your home.  – From Jackson – a friend, older than me.

9.  Stickers – my little page – “a page stickers”.  I put it in my purse in case I want to put it on something.  Actually I want to keep it safe because the boys take stickers off.

Question: What is your favorite color?

Answer: Pink.  I like all the pink colors.  I pretend pink and purple are friends.  Ta da, da, da, ta da, da, da!  I like my boots.  My purse is kind of pink, my sweatshirt is pink, and look, my shirt is pink.  I don’t have pink hair.  I have pink lotion.

10.  This carries money.  It’s kind of white see.  (I could hear the money inside.)  See.  Softkins Wipes Box.

Question: Why do you carry money in it?

Answer: Because it looks like something you carry money in.

11.  Glasses – sunglasses – They are good for the sun when the sun is shining right in your eyes.  You don’t want anything to burn your eyes.  Purple glasses.  I like all the girly colors.  Yellow, red.

Question: Don’t you think red could be both?

Answer: Just girly.  And I like gold and silver.

12.  A small metal flower – probably orange

Question: Don’t you think you should put it in with your money?

Answer: Oh yeah, that’s good.

13.  A plastic crown – It was at a birthday party – his name was Ezra.  Gave Brett one of these pirate things, and he broke his sword, so I found this in my room, so I put it in with my stuff (?).

14.  A dollar – from the tooth fairy.  The tooth fairy gets to choose what she gives, doesn’t she?

15.  Baby Belle’s hairbrush, I use it for me.

Question: It’s like the Belle statues? 

Answer: Yes, but a baby.

I take one of the tissues and take some of the lotion and put it on my face.


When She Sang, She Brought Tears to My Eyes

I am a member of a church – Word of Life, in St. Joseph, Missouri – and attend the Sunday church service online.  I love the Sunday church service, the opening worship music, and the preaching.  And the opening worship music is so different, like the church overall, from what I was used to in my former church.  For the music here, is not a professional and slick performance, but rather a joyful, prayerful, and hope filled celebration of worship in song always leading to Jesus.

It took me a little time to get use to the casual dress of the worship team, all basically dressed really in just everyday Midwestern clothes that reflect the change of the seasons and the conditions of the weather and temperature outside.  And since I focus on everything I see on camera, I always notice the bottles of water placed on the floor beside some of the singers in full view of everyone, the tattoos on the forearm of the wow excellent lead guitarist, and the occasional stylish jeans with frayed patches on the knees and other places.  I have especially noticed, and appreciated, the young woman on keyboard with neon pink hair.

She of course stands out amongst the others because of her hair, and she usually seems serious and focused, looking down on her keyboard as she plays, and if she sings, it is usually in soft harmony to the lead singers.

Then a few Sundays ago, she sang lead, her voice still soft and unassuming as she raised it in praise, her voice and face filled with gentleness and kindness.  And I noticed then, almost anew, that her hair was truly a bright neon pink and so nicely done, perhaps to accompany her singing lead.  And when she sang, she brought tears to my eyes, as then, I lost the words of the song, but through her gentle way of singing and hair of neon pink as a bright beacon, I realized this was a church that would have welcomed in and embraced my granddaughter during her wanderings when in pink, if she had wandered into this church.  And for her, and others, for other people’s children and grandchildren, I pray that the hearts of the church members, of which I am one, would have become a potential place of refuge, a welcoming place of rest, a community waiting to gather in those whose wanderings were becoming a journey towards and within the knowledge of the goodness, kindness, and gentleness of Jesus.  Yes, when she sang, she brought tears to my eyes, in thankfulness for my granddaughter, in thankfulness for knowing she would have been welcomed here.


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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Chris. The interview took me back.


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