Postcard Story – The Fortune Teller – Georges de La Tour – 1630s – The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Jul 5, 2023 | Postcard Stories

(In Public Domain)

Second Grandson– 12/01/20

…and he never understood all the words of advice, all the talk at the supper table, parents, older brothers and sisters, grandparents – he referred to them as ancient of days with his friends, not in a mean way, but just as a way to make all his friends laugh, for they too heard all the wise sayings and warnings – friends, just like him, though he was the best of the best – well-dressed, magnificent even, hours spent before the big expensive mirror, insisting to his parents, as was his right, on choosing, picking, down to the smallest detail, all his clothes, his raiment he liked to tell his friends, and they would all laugh, for of course, for a young man such as he, the details, the fine points, distinguished himself from even all the other young men, some miserable failures when it came to the details of the finer things of life.  For he, as he went forth into the town center, to the marketplace, where he held himself aloof and separate from the rabble as befitting a young man of his dignity, importance and worth, superior in every aspect to those crowding the stalls, the breeding and superiority of his education and thought, in spite of the doofus nature of his professors, always talking, none of them attaining the thought and understanding he possessed, and now for sport he will have some fun with this ugly hag of a fortuneteller…

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