The Broken Love Stone – If Love is Missing or Fractured, It is Then Like a Constellation Without Many of its Stars, and Those Stars Remaining Dimmed and Barely Visible.

Jun 11, 2023 | Little Treasures, Moments of Seeing & Occasional Pieces

The Broken Love Stone – If Love is Missing or Fractured, It is then Like a Constellation Without Many of its Stars, and Those Stars Remaining Dimmed and Barely Visible.

I have walked by these stones, actually more like ceramic eggs, many times over the years on my long walks, with the stones at times in different arrays and configurations.  At some point more than a year ago, I don’t actually remember when, the “Love” stone was somehow cracked and broken – perhaps deliberately by a passerby? – its two halves for a while even separated among the others.  Then on a very recent walk, I noticed that the two pieces of the “Love” stone were glued together and were now intact and again whole, and part of the chain of ideas the stones now display.

For if the stone was deliberately broken, somehow it seems appropriate that it was the “Love” stone that was damaged, for breaking this stone diminishes the message of the others.  For of all of the ideas and thoughts expressed by the four, it is really only love that flows into all the others, and from which all the others, in turn, flow their enkindled sparkle and life back into love.  And when the “Love” stone was repaired, all four thoughts again become a whole.  For without love, all the other thoughts are random, incomplete, and stunted.  And since we as humans are a whole, not a composite creation, true love only exists within us as a whole.  For if love is missing or fractured, it is then like a constellation without many of its stars, and those stars remaining dimmed and barely visible.

Now, when the broken stone of “Love” was glued back together, by hands I have never seen – I have not met all the distant neighbors on my walks – the mended stone was placed back with the others, to read in order, “Love, Smile, Faith, Dream.”  Was this order deliberately selected with considerable thought put into their placement, or just the random way in which they were again arrayed?  I don’t know.  However knowing here the rationale of the stones’ placement is not essential, because like many other things in life, especially with all the expressions of our shared human life we encounter daily, it is always much more our own response that forms the profound and good, or the resentment and anger, or apathy and indifference, deep within us.  For at times, the response within us is predictable, predicated upon what we have already allowed to reside deeply within us. 

For it is only if we have enriched ourselves with kindness and an open mind that when we encounter something new, or something familiar and known in a different array or frame, will we have the ability to pause, to stop, and gaze and behold, if even for just a moment.  For, if we just move on – crossing the road to the other side, so to speak – we will not leave with any understanding and we may miss an opportunity to extend grace.  However, if we pause and stop and behold, we at least, after a time, are able to continue our journey with the experience of something different and perhaps new of the vastly varied and textured and individual uniqueness of our shared human life, which in turn will aid in the never ending process of making ourselves whole, bringing lasting treasure and riches within us as persons.


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