Postcard Story – The Lighthouse at Two Lights – Edward Hopper – 1929 – The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Nov 6, 2022 | Postcard Stories

(Painting not in Public Domain – Photo of painting taken at Met)

Oldest Grandson – 02/26/21

…and when he saw the lighthouse, he stopped to view it to contemplate its meaning…and he thought, quietly without hurrying, for to him…yes, that was the only way to think, quietly without distraction, the distractions on the outside, easily taken care of, when the mind was free, and calm, and that peace within him, came about when he stopped to contemplate, as with this lighthouse, something now seen from the path, from the journey that he was on at that moment.  For the lighthouse was tall and strong and unmoving…appealing in its strength and… aloneness… isolation…a reminder, an image, of what he felt within, or wanted to…tall, and proud and alone…  He liked walking, hiking alone, for that made possible and easy the stopping, the times of thinking and…feeling… but feeling, not the goal right now on the journey, for feeling is not a goal within the aloneness…  For the lighthouse, alone and strong and isolated against the sky, alone and safe… But above and beyond the lighthouse are the wisps and mere dreams of clouds soaring it seems, fleeing, winging away like spirits, like the souls of those just lost…and now…he feels which he did not want to and it is pain, deep and as vast as the sky, and there it is… He so terribly misses his father, taken away, leaving him all alone and empty….and this he never wanted to feel, but here it is and… So why did you go…and leave me here…alone…and missing you so…  But here is strength, a lighthouse you left for me to see…

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