Post Concerning Young Granddaughter’s Loss of a Friend in 5th Grade from Cancer & Our Correspondence and Communication Over Her Loss & the Decline and Passing of My Sister also from Cancer

Apr 12, 2021 | Family Non-Fiction

February 22, 2021 – To Granddaughter

Granddaughter, I will see My Sister this evening and I will give her your greetings.  Also, granddaughter, I would like to make a post for my website of the letter that I wrote you when your friend died.  I think it would be a good way to minister to other young people who may be going through the same type of sadness of losing a friend.  I won’t use your name or her name but I think it would be a good thing.  Let me know if you feel comfortable with me using the letter.  Thank you.  To the post, I think I will attach a nice photo of flowers.

February 22, 2021 – From Granddaughter

I actually read that the other day, of course you can post it.  Thank you for asking though

February 22, 2021 – To Granddaughter

Granddaughter, thank you.  When I post it I will text you and you can read it and let me know if you think everything is all right

Letter Written to Granddaughter

January 5, 2020


            I want you to know how sad it was for me to hear that your friend, Young Girl, had lost her battle against the brain tumor.  It was sad to me because it is always sad when a young person dies, because I know how difficult a time this is for her parents, siblings, grandparents and all the other relatives, and because it is also sad for all her friends.  You have now lost a friend, and that is always hard regardless of age.

Your dad texted me about Young Girl’s funeral last week and asked me to pray, and I did right away, spending a long time praying for her family and all the other persons going to the service.  I also prayed for you especially that the Lord would use this sad and difficult time in your life to draw you ever closer to Himself with a deepening knowledge and understanding of the compassion and comfort of Christ and of His love and power to strengthen you with purpose and meaning, and also that He will transform all this sadness into a lasting good for you deep in your heart.  With these blessings, you will learn from Jesus how even better to help and comfort other children, other persons, when sadness and hurt comes into their lives.  Of course, this is in a sense a sad knowledge and skill to learn, but one we must acquire in life, so that we may comfort others with understanding and wisdom as healing gifts, reflecting the blessings that we ourselves have already received and experienced from the Lord.

            Granddaughter, sad things happen in everyone’s life, and I’m sorry and sad that you are experiencing losing a friend at such a young age, but through Jesus we can learn from all the sadness, hurt and pain that will come into our lives and I continue to pray for you – and Young Girl’s family also.

I love you very much and the Lord loves you even more, and I know He will comfort you and grow you and bring good into your life through this sadness, so that you can bless others with the good that God will shower in your life.  The Lord will bless you.

                                                                        Love, Grandpa O

February 28, 2021 – From Granddaughter

Looks like you guys had a blast!  I’m glad they got to come up and hang with you guys and that your able to talk to My Sister a little bit.  Did you ever finish posting the letter we talked about?  I’m pretty good nothing to exciting here.  I love you and miss you and hope you can come visit soon!!!

March 28, 2021 – From Granddaughter

I’m so sorry that I haven’t responded back to you these last few weeks.  I love reading your messages and I appreciate them very much.  It was difficult for me to see My Sister like that considering I lost Young Girl to cancer.  I am glad that your family was able to be up with her and to make her feel loved.  Please let her know how much she means to me and my family.  Be safe and healthy, I love you and miss you ?

April 2, 2021 – From Granddaughter

When I heard about My Sister I was very sad.  Even when I was on the facetime call with her I couldn’t talk.  It hurt me to see her in pain and especially because she means so much to me.  It was sad for me also because I have now lost TWO people I care about to cancer.  I’m glad that she was able to mend all those relationships though and I will continue to pray for you.


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