Two Letters On the Impeachment Written to Congress Members, January 7, 2021, January 12, 2021

Jan 15, 2021 | Letters Written, Just a Few


January 7, 2021

Dear Senator ,

                In light of the tremendously troubling and violent criminal assault upon the US Capitol and the chambers of Congress – the seat of the Legislative branch of the US government – I ask for, and will support, immediate impeachment proceedings against the president. 

The president’s actions and words over the weeks and days leading to Congress meeting to certify the presidential election results, and yesterday’s speech and directions to his supporters, are primarily and immediately responsible for gathering and inciting them to anger and seditious action with false and baseless claims of election fraud.  He personally directed them as a mob to the US Capitol as the target of their incited political anger and violence, where he knew both chambers of Congress and the Vice President were meeting to certify the results of the presidential election.  After the speech, at the Capitol, motivated by the instilled perceived moral and patriotic imperative to act, and incited by the assumed authority and rightness of his words as president, the mob attempted an illusionary but raging and violent insurrection and coup designed to keep the president in power.  This is an illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional act of assault against the peoples of our land, the Constitution, our democracy, and the essential social, political, and legal fabric of our nation as a whole.  Please act swiftly.

Thank you for your consideration of my request.  

I am thankful for your safety, the safety of all of our other elected officials, and the integrity of the legislative branch of our government, during this mob assault on the Capitol and attempted insurrection.

Sincerely, Chris Orozco


January 12, 2021

Dear Senator ,

            I previously wrote to you on January 7, 2021, asking for immediate impeachment proceedings against the president.

            Since that letter, the media have provided more and more videos and audio testimonies and other evidence of the extent of the social media coordination involved in the planning and progress of the civil insurrection, of the violent attempts to reach and harm individual senators and representatives, and the vicious violence against the Capitol police – one of the officers now dead from his wounds – all this directly influenced, incited, and ultimately publically and openly directed by the president himself.  

He must be impeached.  I support all action for impeachment.  This man’s incitement of this violence is a dark, deeply scaring, and traumatizing crime against the nation and our people.  It was also a televised crime that the entire nation beheld – this man’s seditious, hateful and lie-filled speech, the defilement and desecration of the Capitol, the assault on the Capitol police officers, the breaking into the Senate chamber, the wild attempt to find certain members of Congress for probable hostage taking and/or cruel injury and murder of lawfully elected Senators and Representatives.  This man knowingly even put his own vice president – our vice president – in danger.  There is nothing ambiguous about the enormity of this man’s crimes.

What this man did is not a minor misdemeanor, but a violent criminal act, an attempted coup and encouraged lethal civil insurrection, resulting in death, disruption of our constitutional government, and attacking the very fabric of our nation and society.  Some of the identified rioters and insurrectionists have been identified and arrested, but this is insufficient and an enormous judicial failure if the president, the mob-boss himself, is not tried and convicted.  To even begin to face and address with truth and righteousness all the troubles and many injustices plaguing our nation, we must be able to declare that no man is above the law!  At this moment of crisis and division within our nation, that is the most necessary proclamation of justice and the rule of law that can and must be made!  Anything else is just the same old, same old, which will dangerously and pathetically produce the same national same old, same old, and our nation can be blessed and encouraged in our healing by Congress with something much more – impeachment and conviction.  These days are a historically defining moment for the nation.  Let it be the beginning of a new day as was the election of Lincoln, now a hundred and sixty years ago.

  The republic already is divided, but if this man is not impeached, our nation will only be further divided with much more devastating and lasting effects by the deeper national trauma of the failure of Congress to pursue justice for the nation, to defend our Constitution, and to strengthen and enshrine again the rule of law.  If Congress does not impeach and convict, who then is left at this moment to champion and fight for justice for all the people, for the integrity of our nation, and for the light of freedom and rightness in the hearts of the people?  And if the nation is to remain divided for a while, let it be divided over truth and the pursuit of justice and the preservation of our Constitution and the good of the people, rather than just further splinter over a cowardly ignoring of the devastation that lies and deceit and evil has brought upon our land, or by a vile attempt to exonerate and sweep under the rug of privilege and wealth the crimes of this man.  Let not any fear of this man or of the political violence of his supporters, intimidate or gain ascendancy in our land.  He must be impeached.

Thank you again for your consideration of my words.  May the Lord bless your work, keep you safe from harm, and give you wisdom in your attempts to govern and heal our nation and bring the peoples of our nation again together.  Many in our nation from diverse communities and different paths of life love our country and the principles and values of justice, liberty, freedom, and the rule of law that our nation has stood for but which are now under dangerous attack.  We now look to you to help preserve the nation and all of us, collectively and individually, from the darkness of lawlessness and the reign of mob rule.  Yes, we are in dangerous times with darkness threatening us on many sides, but I will pray that you may persevere with the light of rightness and honor, love of country, and the rule of law, which are right now, as it has always been, the hope and promise of our nation and many others of the world.  Again, may the Lord bless you and your endeavors.

Sincerely, Chris Orozco


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