Sunday Morning, October 11, 2020

This Sunday morning, when I began to drink my hot cup of tea, heated up from the evening before in the microwave, always a horror to my daughters, I looked out the window to the street already lit by the morning sunlight, and as I collected my thoughts to prepare to pray and rest in the presence of the Lord, my first thought went to the deaths within the two houses across the street from us, of D, who passed away a few weeks ago, our neighbor and friend for five years who lost her battle to cancer, passing peacefully with her mother, and her two adult children and ex-husband surrounding her, joined by Luna, her long-time bulldog, who had hauled herself up on the bed and insistently pushed her way to lay beside D, who loved Luna, and all those around her very much.  And then I thought of B, living next door to D, originally from New Zealand, who we first met some thirty plus years ago when we moved in across the street from her, always cheerful, always cheering, an older woman now, who passed away a few days ago of medical issues which she had not long endured, two adult children and a granddaughter with her.  And I considered that I would need now to think and process all of this more, because the fact that D and now B have passed and that they are gone and not here anymore, is still not present in my mind and heart, that I will no longer see D leave her house in the morning to take Luna for a walk, if cool outside, her thinning body wrapped in a coat now two sizes too big, that I will no longer see B come outside to pick up the two papers thrown to her house each morning, that we would no longer speak in her driveway, or on the phone, nor would I ever again answer her very kind inquiries on how all my grandchildren were doing.  Much to think about and pray upon.  


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